TEAM: New Car, New Co Driver, New Direction For Tyler In 2015

WEB Guy Tyer IMG 5235

Wednesday, 29 April 2015 18:34

Young South Australian Rally Driver Guy Tyler is gearing up for a bigger and better Rally season in 2015 with some exciting changes to his team, 777 Rallysport.

After campaigning a Renault Clio in the Australian Junior Rally Championship for the last 3 years, and twice finishing runner up in the Junior title, a myriad of reliability problems with the Renault has led to a change of car and direction for Guy in 2015.

Over the summer a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 5 Rally car was purchased, and Guy and his team have their sights set on the Australian 4WD Series and the South Australian Rally Championship.

“I was pretty tired and over it all at the end of last year, but I received a lot of support from the Rallying community and close friends. Through a lot of hard work, here we are again, ready to take on another full season of Rally Adventures!” – Tyler

“I bought the Evo off of fellow South Aussie Daniel Nicholls, who had only owned it for a few years and had purchased it off of Will Orders. Will used the car to win the 2012 Rally Victoria. It was originally raced by Chris Atkinson in the Australian Rally Championship” Says Tyler who is excited to be driving a car with such speed and history.

“My dad, Chris, and I have done a lot of work on the car over the last few months. We gave it a fresh paint job and got the Gearbox and Transfer case rebuilt by our new sponsor Neat Gearboxes” -Tyler.

Guy’s plans for 2015 include competing at the Canberra, Coffs Harbour, and SA rounds of the Australian 4wd rally series, which is looking to be super competitive, with many big names in Australian Rallying taking part with some very impressive cars.

In another change for 2015, Steve Fisher has joined the 777 Rallysport team as a navigator for the year. This comes after previous navigator, Damien Reed, will be navigating for Stephen Mee at clashing events throughout the year. Tyler and Fisher have only been a team for a short time but have high hopes for the season.

“We understand that we will be up against some pretty tough competition this year, especially in the Australian 4wd Series. I think with a balance of aggressive driving and a strong will to finish each event, we should be able to be right up there” -Tyler.

Tyler and Fisher’s Rallying season begins this Sunday at the Southern Rally in Second Valley, SA. This is the first round of the SA State Championship, and will be their debut as a driver and co-driver team. With their new car and new direction the team is hoping to leave the memories of the Renault Clio in the dust!

Guy would like to thank his sponsors and supporters:
Walkers Creative Art
Neat Gearboxes
Willunga Tyre and Battery Service
Chris Simmons

Stay up to date with Tyler and the 777 Rallysport Team at:
Facebook: 777 Rallysport
YouTube: 777 Rallysport
Twitter: Guyrally
Instagram: Guyrally
Google +: Guy Tyler